Motion tracking visualisation, 2011
Flowmotion is the Diploma-Project by Roland Pavloski at Institute HyperWerk ,HGK, FHNW. Therefore Michel Winterberg programmed a motion tracking system with Max/MSP/Jitter and Kinect, 2011.
Abstract by Roland Pavloski:
”All of us want to be recognized as individuals. Many people can’t imagine anything worse than disappearing in the masses.
Yet, we are still part of a bigger system, in which we don’t move as the individuals we like to think we are.
How do we move in this system that surrounds us?
Are our movements unique or are we, after all, only followers who are part of the giant swarm in which we move? In his thesis, Roland Pavloski created mediainstallation, which traces individual movement and displays its intercept points and principles.
Are mechanisms that suggest a superior movement mechanism recognizable?
Does the visualization of a new perspective enable new insights?”